Snobby Bitch Lexi Sindel of Mean Girls Club

Monday, July 31, 2006

Vote for me BITCHES!

Vote for on the website for Mistresses of the world chart. I have 2 names in the listing Vote under Lexi Goddess in Washington DC!


At 3:32 PM, Blogger steamdream said...

i am glad to say that You have moved up to 35th place. i wish it would let me vote more than once to get You to the top of the list where You belong.

At 8:14 PM, Blogger davyd72 said...

31st and still climbing,
YOU know of coarse YOU are already #1, without the list!

At 4:03 PM, Blogger davyd72 said...

New month and YOU'RE at # 7

At 12:00 AM, Blogger bootlover said...

Dear Goddess Lexi,

My votes put You up to 68. The number six spot is at 75. Obviously, any slave in his right mind will select 5 before voting. A mere three slaves will put You into the next spot.

Your submissive BITCH,

At 8:35 AM, Blogger Lexi Goddess said...

Well, bitches .... Vote often, & make sure to vote 5 POINTS each TIME!!!! Lets Keep Me in the running!!

At 9:48 PM, Blogger kkk said...

You got my vote Bitch

At 4:03 PM, Blogger bootlover said...

Dear Goddess Lexi,

It seems that allows only one vote per acount per day [and an account is associated with an e-mail account]. i desperately want to be a good little bitch. Do i do my voting before or after i say my prayers to You.

Submissivley Yours,

At 4:08 PM, Blogger bootlover said...

Hope for Your bitches!

Dear Goddess Lexi,

We didn't do so well in August, but September brings new hope for us. As of this moment You are in Your rightful place - NUMBER ONE! in the Pantheon. Maybe if we show our daily devotion to You throughout the month, the world will know.

Submissively Yours,



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